Turn of the Century Dayton

Many people settled in Dayton including Gypsies, Stanley, by name. Mike started selling his potato chips, while Paul Dunbar added writings to his fame.

As Patterson produced cash registers with a concern for employees' welfare the Wright brothers worked on bicycles then had an idea take them to the air.

Kettering's barn gang made a self starter helping ladies take the auto for a spin. The Soldiers' Home was a home for vets and a lovely park for each citizen.

A levee protected Dayton from the river and Van Cleeve beautified it with trees. When management needed cheap labor it was provided by Hungarian colonies.

The Gem City even had a mall for the Arcade opened for business. The Ladies Aid Society helped others and kids, like kids today, waited for recess.

These and others helped Dayton grow at the turn of the Twentieth Century, for they all had a common bond of great pride and tenacity.

Yes, many people gave much to Dayton accomplishing feats great and small. While with great diligence Mrs. Conover and Reverend Drury recorded it all.

By Belinda Jo Adams (c) 1994

We hope you enjoyed looking at the poem of Dayton, Ohio at the turn of the century, (1900).

Books by Belinda Jo Adams